
We offer custom training solutions for individuals, teams and companies.

Our deep experience in building high performance learning experiences will help:

  • Managers who want to build basic technical literacy to work more effectively with their technical teams to reduce confusion, save time and improve morale
  • Business Analysts who want to get up to speed quickly on using AI and Low/No-Code Tools to build your own systems and increase productivity
  • Junior Developers who want to supercharge their careers by learning faster and more deeply than ever before, saving time, wasted energy and missed opportunities.

What is a High Performing Target Role?

A High Performing Target Role is a benchmark role used to assess the value and impact of the training, with the pricing model scaled according to the level of training and its expected benefits.

The term refers to a specific position or job title within an organization that exemplifies top-tier performance and productivity.

This role is typically used as a benchmark for determining the cost of the training program based on the salary associated with that position.

The rationale behind this pricing strategy is to align the cost of training with the value it brings to the roles it is intended to enhance or develop.